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It's Time to End "Right To Work For Less" in WV

Hey, Troy Miller here, Democratic candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates in District 98.

It's been a moment since we've done one of these videos and there's a lot I'd like to talk about, but we want to really highlight the fact that we're thrilled to be endorsed by three very important labor organizations, very important unions in the state of West Virginia. And those are

1) the AFL-CIO's political action committee.

With that, we are proud to fight for labor and fight for unions.

And we have been talking about the 21st century Economic Bill of Rights. The very first top two things on there are "the right to a job with a living wage" and "the right to a to join a union and to engage in collective bargaining".

And one of the ways that that's being undermined right now in West Virginia is pro-corporate legislation called "Right to Work" -- more appropriately called "Right to Work for Less".

That basically says that workers can have all of the representation and all of the benefits of a union negotiation and union contract without having to pay the union dues.

And that is a problem of free riders!

If I'm elected to Charleston I will fight tooth and nail to have that repealed and to get every person the representation, the union representation they deserve if they want to engage in a workplace where a union is representing the workers.

If you want to help support this campaign, if you want to join those labor organizations and their political action committees that have endorsed this campaign, please go to .

You can find out more about us, you can subscribe for updates and you can DONATE, please!

Thank you so much!

Troy N. Miller

Democratic Candidate for WV House of Delegates District 98

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